Jack Antone
13" total
"In every ceremony there
are guards to prevent any transgression on the path of the kachinas.
In addition, guards or Angry Kachinas were formerly used to enforce
community work such as the cleaning of springs.
"It is to this category
that the Wuyak-kuita belongs. There is evidence that this kachina
has many forms that have changed through time. Wuyak-kuita is
most often seen bringing up the rear of the Bean Dance Procession
or circling wide at the sides.
"He is the one who moves
toward the clowns and absolutely terrifies them. On Third Mesa
these are the kachinas who guard the kivas to keep He'e'e from
approaching too close during the Palolokong Ceremony, or from
going to the Flute Spring during the same ceremony. This form
of the kachina is the one most commonly seen at ceremonies like
the Powamu."
- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi
Artist's Documentary (26)